Take your security to the next level

The IASME (Information Assurance for Small & Medium Enterprises) Consortium is one of the five UK Government-appointed Accrediting Bodies for Cyber Essentials. The IASME Consortium has developed the IASME Cyber Assurance standard  for information security management. This goes beyond the technical threats addressed by Cyber Essentials and looks at how you manage security including staff, training, physical security, incident management and business continuity.

Amwell Information Security has a thorough understanding of the IASME Cyber Assurance standard. We can work with you to identify gaps between your current security arrangements and the requirements of the standard. We can then recommend the most cost-effective way to bridge those gaps to achieve the certification.

Amwell Information Security is also a Certifying Body for IASME Cyber Assurance, which means that when you are ready to apply for certification, we are authorised by IASME to review your application (a Self-Assessment Questionnaire) and decide whether to issue a certificate of compliance.

The IASME Cyber Assurance certification automatically includes a Cyber Essentials certification, meaning that you can benefit from the free Cyber Liability insurance of up to £25,000 described above.

Your route to IASME Cyber Assurance certification

You can apply to us directly for IASME Cyber Assurance and request the level of support you require to complete your application: Independent, Remote support or On-site support.