Exposing 145m Equifax customer deets: $240m. Legal fees: $28.9m. Insurance: Priceless https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/04/27/equifax_breach_cost_240m_to_date/ SEC says that an incident first detected in 2016 “may have provided the basis for illicit gain through trading”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-41354219 Dyn Inc. have today released a statement on the DDoS attack they suffered yesterday which led to customers being unable to access several major entertainment services such as Spotify and Netflix, as well as news websites and gaming networks like Xbox Live.... Californian investment firm latest victim of ransom attack, highlighting need for financial sector to address information assurance and cybersecurity more thoroughly. http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/darkoverlord-extorts-westpark/ In order for this site to work properly, and in order to evaluate and improve the site, this site uses cookies. Please click the button to indicate your acceptance of this. For more information see our Privacy Policy . Accept
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